Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This pasted weekend Russ and I took a short weekend trip to Rhinelander. We were only there for a little over a day. When we got to town we went up to Grandma and Grandpa Shearier for lunch with my parents. What an adventure that was. Russ got along with my dad and my grandfather and they talk about old cars and all. My mom well we all know she a bit crazy and she show that off a little bit. Russ was family to finally meet the family thou.

Saturday evening we spend some time with my close high school friend Stacy and her family. It was great to see Russ and Stacy husband Dan get along so well. I was a bit worried. But all went well.

Sunday morning Russ and I took my parents and sister out for a bunch before we left town. It was nice to have everyone together. Knowing that we wont be back till later in the year it was a good time.

Russ and I even took a pictures with the Hodag!

Friday, May 7, 2010

For those of you who do not know, I met an amazing guy early March. He name is Russ. We have been officially together since mid April. Russ is 29 years old and does geno thermal heating. He owns his own home in Spring Valley 920 min from me)and is working on remodeling it right now.

Over the past few months we have had a great time together. We enjoy a lot of the same things but also have very different taste in things also. I have been helping him with the remodeling of his house. And he is helping me put a dent into my 101 things to do list.

Russ is nothing like the other guys that I have dated in the past. And I am exctied to see where the road will lead us.

Friday, April 16, 2010

As many of you may know this last month has been very good for me. I met a wonderful guy name Russ early March. We have been seeing each other and having a great time. We have gone out to eat, relaxed and stay in, grilled, and talk a lot to each other. I have been house sitting for the last week and Russ has come and help me with the horse and kept me company. Last night Russ come over for a nice dinner I had planned. One of the things on my list is to eat in a blanket fort. So I made us a fort for our dinner. I made a salad, lasagna and garlic bread, and for dessert strawberry and cheesecake with chocolate. It was very nice. We were talking about is and caring about each other and Russ asked me to be "his girl." It is very cute, cause I have been a bit emotional and crabby this last week. And Russ told me, "If I get you on your best I don't have a problem getting you on your worst." I thought that was really sweet. I know I am a handful to handle at times but at least he see all the good in me also.

A little bit on info on Russ. He is 29 years old. He works in geo thermal heating. He ran his own business for a while, but is not at this time. He is thinking about going back to work on his own thou again. He own a house in Spring Valley (east of Menomonie). Russ has been in his house for a few years but is still working on making repairs and updating it some. He enjoy the out doors a lot, walking, running and bicycling. He has a dog name Rocky, whom is still a puppy and well not the best behaved. LoL! Russ has a few collector motorcycles and two old cars.

Other then that things have been good. Working on looking for a second job or a better job. It may come to the point i need to look at moving closer to the St Paul area to get a better job. For the time being I will be moving to Eau Claire in June. And will be going from there. Keeping my eye and option open for sure.

I am hoping to be able to make it up to Rhinelander within the next month or so. I have not be home since Thanksgiving time. And yes, my hope is to bring Russ with me when I go to Rhinelader. LoL! I am also planning a trip to Rhode Island in August to visit my friends out there.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Still not much on a second job yet. I have not been looking really hard but hope that come June once I move in Eau Claire, I will be able to find something.

I have decided to live with a friend of mine Dave. He has a two bedroom duplex. I stay there two nights a week now to help save on gas. But in June I be moving there. It will be nice to be able to share the bills and be able to save some also. But I will still look for a second job to for the purpose of saving and paying down my debt more.

Other then that, working is going great. And I am doing good.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I was able to go home mid February to see the family. Well I am still in Rhinelander right now. LoL! Sadly I was not able to come last weekend when my 81 year old second Uncle got married. A lot of my family was able to come up for the wedding. I was able to see them when I come home this past weekend. Mom and I went to to One Penny Place for lunch with Grandma and Grandpa and then saw Uncle Bill and his new wife. I have met her before but they are so sweet.

I paid off my car in full last month. It was great to finally pay off my car. But as soon as my car was paid off I need to start paying off my student loans. This has cause me to make some budgeting adjustments in my life. I have also started to think about getting a second job (10-20 hours) to help with the cost of everything. We will see how the second job hunting goes. I have looked into maybe babysitting or maybe working with the elder taking them shopping and helping them with basic things around the their house. We will see how it all goes.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Life has been a bit crazy around here. I can not believe that January is already come to and end. I have been busy working on my 101 things challenge. I find myself having a lot to do and trying to not be online and using the TV so much. I have been listening to music more and trying to have friends over more.

I am leaving in two days for a week in Vegas with Leah, Rob and Sergio. It is fun how sometime you look back in life and are hurt by people and wonder why it had to happen or the what if about things. But then I also see the great things in life we get from it. I met Leah only because of one of my exs. And I am SO thankful for that. I have been out to Rhode Island twice now and now we all flying to Vegas for a baby-moon weekend.

I got my tax stuff pretty much all in and looking forward to dad being able to get them filed. I also pay off my good next month. It is kind of cool to know I totally OWN my car. Now it has seen better days but it is a good car also.

I want to thank everyone who wrote me a time capsule letter. It has been fun getting everything together and I am excited to seal it.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I called Sallie Mae right after work today and I hope everything if take care of. I pretty much was put through right to a supervisor and he said everything I was telling him was documented and he is not sure what happened and he did what he could but he could not help me all the way. He said he had to pass part of it along and I was more then welcome to call back Monday to make sure everyt